Testimonials of students

Name: Pragya Shrestha

Profession: Psychological counselor

I want to be a therapist that bridges the gap between the so called ‘Mental Illness’ and ‘Mental Health’. For this, my 6 years of experiences of counseling, my qualities, and my interest are still not enough. I hope I will be able to achieve my goal by learning and experiencing Gestalt Psychotherapy. As a counselor, I was used to focus only on the client, his feelings and his story. The content of the clients story affected me as well, but I rarely expressed MY feelings on the spot during the counseling session.

The most interested thing in Gestalt psychotherapy for me is that  I share with the client how his feelings and contents affect me as a counselor. I am surprised how it makes the client more aware about his problem. There are still so many things to learn and experience in Gestalt psychotherapy. It’s a never ending process!!


Name: Hashana Shrestha

Clinical psychologist, NHPC no. 20

Clinical Director of Samantha Psychosocial Care Pvt.Ltd.

I worked with street children and with survivals of child sexual abuse (CSA).
Street children are unaware, unsure about their surroundings and in dilemma regarding their emotions and strengths .Survivals of CSA are in great confusion, suffering from feeling of self-guilt, fear and strong emotional disturbances. They find it very difficult to come through this traumatic event. Gestalt psychotherapy is helping me in supporting them through awareness, acceptance and realization. As they are the strong survivors, I help them even to learn to celebrate their life.

As a therapist I want to support this group using Gestalt Therapy  with compassion, acceptance and warmth.


Name: Ruban Dahal

Profession: Clinical psychologist

I work with street children, shelter children (supported by an organization) and with people of different ages in my private practice too. The children have anxiety, low self esteem and aggressiveness due to their past history and the worry about their future. I love to work with this children and I experience it as very difficult to support them survive their traumatic life situations. They have emotional disturbances because of their life situation. As a psychologist I mostly used to focus on the child and their past history.

Gestalt psychotherapy is helping me to bring awareness about their present situation, their qualities and strength as well as to help them to celebrate their life in the present.  As a psychologist/therapist I am helping them to bring awareness within themselves through acceptance, unconditional love and warmth.


Name: Pratima Tamrakar Tuladhar

Profession : Psychosocial Counselor at Kathmandu Engineering College

I am working as a counselor in this college where I counsel bachelor students. The students are dealing  with difficulties during their study, frustration, love break, depression, family problems , high expectations, beyond the limitation, excessive day dreaming, anxiety etc. Actually I want to do more than this. As my relatives, teachers and friends state that I am kind hearted, hardworking, sincere, responsible and honest person, I also feel that this statement on me is acceptable.

Besides this I am a student in the first Gestalteducation in Nepal as Gestalt is one of the best approaches of psychology. In my country where people are not aware of psychology (feelings, thoughts, existential issues) although they have a lot of psychological problems. So being a therapist, I want to contribute a psychological support and want to be the best gestalt therapist."


Name : Nima Dorje Sherpa

Profession: psychological counselor

I come from Sherpa community where concepts like psychology, counseling or therapy nearly do not exist and this ignorance and oblivion on mental health could well, be the reason behind my interest and inclination toward psychological counseling.

Out of several trainings I attended Gestalt training proved out to be the most effective and successful as I could know more about myself, my strengths, my weakness and this self awareness has also facilitated a lot in helping my clients to deal with their problems. I am glad that I have enrolled myself as a trainee in Gestalt Therapy.


Name: Monalisha Pradhan

Profession: Psychologist

I have worked with women with different forms of violence as incest, physical torture, family violence, sexual abuse (organisation Saathi), with children having psychological disturbances as ADHA, depression, trauma, abuse due to family loss (ISIS Foundation), and people with drug addiction and alcoholic problem (Wisdom Foundation). Most of the clients are focused on what was, what might be or what could be or should have been rather that what is being done, thought and felt at the present moment.

Therefore, I have found that Gestalt Therapy is helping the client to become more fully and creatively alive and to become free from the blocks that diminish satisfaction, fulfillment and growth and to experiment with new ways of being. I myself as a counselor have found drastic change within me experiencing Gestalt therapy. One of my dreams is to work with mentally challenged and disabled persons too. As a Gestalt Therapist I would like to create a space in which my client can recover his or her capacity for living.In this way a person can learn to be aware of himself and aware of his/her interactions with others in the moment and assuming responsibility for their action. I hope this could raise awareness in both client and the parents.


Name: Archana Bibhor

Founder: Nepal Hypnosis Pvt. Ltd.
Profession:  Hypnotherapy, Psychosocial Counseling, and Gestalt therapist
Published: "Sapana Kaha Chhuna Sakchhu Ra!" ("How can I touch my dreams!", collection of Nepali Gajals)

I live with my family of 8 members including grand parents, parents, husband, son and caretaker of my son. I see myself as a student of life, learning and accepting what life is offering me. I like to work with people with low self-esteem,

I enjoy helping them as a therapist.My aim is to integrate different therapeutic methods with people according to their needs and situation.I enjoy to express my feelings in words so I love to write poems, gajals, and stories too.


Shambar Thapa

Profession: psychogolist/psychosocial counselor

As coordinator and student I have a double role and double position in this training program: initiator of this program, director and coordinator of the institute and I also joined the training program,

I am very happy to learn practical gestalt concepts and methods (e.g. awareness, contact mechanism, field theory, balance of giving and taking, constellation, empty chair work etc). So I am a student. All these gestalt methods are very helpful in my professional practice. Our trainers are more experienced and supportive and I love their training methods. I am very curious to learn more about this therapy in coming years.


Name: Bhupendra Singh Gurung

Profession: Psychologist

I started to work as a primary school teacher, and yoga teacher. Later on I had different experiences in work as psychosocial counsellor in a children ‘s home and a Bhutanese Refugee Camp; as supervisor and trainer I worked with counsellors who used to provide counselling to women in gender base violence from the areas of post arm conflict.

I facilitate the psychosocial counselling training and supervise the social workers who work with women and children with mental and physical disabilities, victims of torture and children in difficult circumstances.
Besides that, I support and encourage research on the needs and services in the field of psychosocial counselling and wellbeing. Finally not initially, 'awareness, here and now!' Gestalt Training is a key to overcome my adverse emotions and enjoy everyday living and much much more....... Thank you!